When you connect to the internet, you have to turn on this capability option. Wireless capability determines the bandwidth over time, keeps the internet connection working, it must be turned on. This notification comes when your wireless connectivity fails to work correctly. What Is Wireless Capability, And Why Is It Important? Just follow the steps in this article, and you are all set to work again with the internet. But don’t worry, your laptop is working perfectly fine. Running the windows diagnosis, you found the wireless capability is turned off. You may be working with your laptop of Windows 10 or 7 and suddenly see the internet is gone.
If that happens, how to turn on wireless capability? There are some easy methods to do so, and in this article, we will provide you a step-by-step guide for turning on Wi-Fi capability. You can not connect to your internet connection if that option is turned off. Many users face wireless capability turned off problems in windows.
It is a common problem among Windows 8, 9 as well as 10 users. It’s a common question for new users – how To Turn On Wireless Capability in Windows? Today we will present here 3 easy steps to turn on the features.