The sequel, Saints Row 2, was released in 2008 to similar acclaim but greater commercial success. The game was released in 2006 to critical acclaim and commercial success. The games' stories are written as comedies that feature popular culture homages and parodies, as well as self-referential humor.Īfter completing Red Faction II in late 2002, developer Volition began work on the original Saints Row game in mid-2003.
The series is known for its comedic elements. Typically, gameplay is presented in an open world format because of the mixture of nonlinear gameplay with action-adventure and racing sequences. Agents of Mayhem and Red Faction Saints Row is a series of open world action-adventure video games created by Volition and published by Deep Silver, that tells the story of a gang called the Third Street Saints the title comes from the name of the district of the gang's home territory.